Winter Zman II
January 26th (26 Tevet) - March 30th (1 Nissan)
Click on each class for more information
10:00 am
Parshah Explorations II
Yehudis Golshevsky
11:15 am
Mitzvah and Meaning II
Yehudis Golshevsky
In this course, we will follow the path of the parshah, focusing each week on a single mitzvah and exploring it through the lens of the inner Torah. We will be using original texts from a spectrum of the tradition--from the Ben Ish Chai to the Mekor Chaim, to Reb Nosson of Breslov, the Shlah HaKadosh, and others. This course is an excellent enrichment opporunity for educators, providing profound insights to share with students. It is also open to the community to enjoy immersion into the depths of meaning to be discovered in every mitzvah.
"עץ חיים היא למחזיקים בה"
SHIVITI is a wellspring of life giving Torah for a growing community of spiritually thirsty women around the world. We never turn down anyone who is interested in learning Torah. Kind souls like you make this possible!