Yehudis Golshevsky
This is the first unit in a series designed to help broaden and deepen one’s skill set, so that we can more clearly engage with texts. In Continuing Skills I, our focus will be on pinpointing where our translation skills are imprecise, specifically when learning the Rishonim, within the stimulating dyanmic of a collaborative workshop. These sessions are to be attended live on Zoom, and not utilized as recordings if at all possible. You will be surprised how much progress you can make in a mini-course like this; it’s a wonderful opportunity to jump-start your learning.
This course is open to the community, not just to educators. It is not an in-person class, but will be held entirely online.
I am enrolled but do not see source sheet yet. I will wait til Monday! Kol hakavod! Thank you!
It will be posted tomorrow, b’ezras Hashem.